Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - All Star Maps Guide

v3.0: Male/Female Scoundrel Route

Route and Guide by indykenobi

This route defeats Malak on the Star Forge as fast as possible while obtaining all five individual Star Maps. Timing begins upon clicking “PLAY” after character creation and ends when the screen cuts to black at the start of the Malak Death cutscene. A load-removal tool and auto-splitter is available for LiveSplit thanks to glasnonck and XeroHR (results may vary for Windows 11 users); times are sorted based on load-removed times, since load times vary significantly in this game, and saving is frequent. This guide will cover the character build and detailed route for the run.

Finally, if you have additional questions, you can check out the KotOR Speedrunning Discord. There’s a bunch of friendly folks there willing to answer questions!

Table of Contents

Category Definition

REMEMBER to show yourself restarting the game at the beginning of each attempt.

All Star Maps (ASM) requires each Star Map object to be opened individually on each planet: Dantooine, Korriban, Tatooine, Manaan, and Kashyyyk. You do not have to obtain the Star Map quest items. ASM uses the Unrestricted ruleset only; currently, neither the NMG nor Glitchless rulesets can skip a Star Map normally, so for those rulesets there would be no difference between Any% and ASM.

Thus any glitches are allowed, including the Routine. However, all KotOR speedruns ban the following:

Route Overview

This route skips Jedi training on Dantooine, instead using Coordinate Warps and Save Teleports to move quickly. The run should begin with no save files; eventually we will use five total save slots.

A brief outline of the route for the ASM run, including planet order and major skips:

1. Endar Spire

2. Taris

3. Dantooine

4. Midgame Setup

5. Map Collection

6. Lehon

7. Star Forge

This route used to obtain either Sith Armor or the Sand People Outfit so a Fast Lane could be used to remove the Envirosuit. These can now be skipped thanks to the STUNT module Coordinate Warp to Sea Floor and the Default Spawn Warp to Hrakert Rift. Those two warps, along with the Coordinate Warp to the Envirosuit, also enable Plot Armor Skip, since these are the only points that would have a high risk of death (other than the Taris Sith Base).

Character Build

We begin as a Scoundrel; this guide as written can be completed as either a Male or Female character, with no time difference. Scoundrel is picked for its access to Sneak Attack IX, which is abused to quickly kill the Sith Governor and Gadon Thek.

Character Creation

Initial Attributes:

Initial Skills:

Initial Feat: - Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistols -or- Two-Weapon Fighting (see below)

Leveling Plan

Level 2: Sneak Attack FLU to obtain:

There are two feat builds to take; the fastest build is to take Two-Weapon Fighting at character creation and use the fastest form of Sneak Attack FLU to get Improved Two-Weapon Fighting and Sneak Attack IX. The downside to this is weaker chances to hit on our three fights, so if you prefer to improve your odds by 15% per attack, you can instead take Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistols at character creation and do the slower (All Quests) version of the Sneak Attack FLU.

We end the run at level 2 due to all the Hotshots we do, so this is the only choice to make regarding character build.

Character Build Notes:

Detailed Route

This section will describe all the actions you need to take for the All Star Maps speedrun.



Conversation Note: If no conversation choices are specified, spamming clicks, NumPad Enter, and/or 1 will all work (this chooses all 1 options)

Jump to a Section:

Endar Spire

Before beginning, disable V-Sync in Advanced Graphics Options if you are using the Rubble DLZ on Endar Spire. This makes the DLZ more consistent.

Character Creation

Command Module

Starboard Section



  - Everything
- BUY: 
  - Heavy Combat Suit
  - Optional: Battle Stimulant
    - This gives you 8 more Vitality for Sith Base and a little better chance to hit Governor and Gadon
- End: 404 Credits

Upper City South

Upper City North

Sith Base

Lower City

Bek Base

Escaping Taris


Jedi Enclave

Dantooine Savannah

Ancient Ruins

Midgame Setup




Map Collection

Kashyyyk Map

Korriban Map

Manaan Map

Tatooine Map


Reaching Lehon

Reaching the Temple Summit

Confronting Bastila

The Star Forge

Because of Ship Parts skip, we still have excellent Save Teleports for Star Forge. We’ll make good use of them for movement.

Deck One

Deck Two

Command Center

Viewing Platform

On loading, there will be a black screen. When the mouse disappears, the final death CS has begun and the run is over. Malak has been defeated once and for all, and you are now the Lord of the Sith (and you aren’t even a Jedi!)

Version History

v3.0 (October 2024)

v2.0 (August 2023)

v1.0 (March 2022)

v0.9 (January 2022)


If you made it this far, congratulations! Thanks for reading the guide. Please let indykenobi know if you have any comments or questions (best way to contact is on Discord).

I’d like to acknowledge glasnonck and thinkshooter, whose runs got me into KotOR speedrunning, as well as glasnonck, Lane, HotShotWire and the rest of the KotOR community for tossing around ideas and breaking this game so much that we can have an All Star Maps category that’s different from Any%!

Extra shoutout to glasnonck for his Walkmesh Visualizer tool, which made plotting out the coordinate warps in the midgame possible without going insane.