Conversation Overlay

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Conversation Overlay is a method of interrupting one cutscene or conversation by triggering another conversation during it. This allows certain cutscenes to be skipped partway through, possibly reaching important flags or triggers.

How To

The exact setup for a Conversation Overlay varies by application, but all involve two (or three) party members and creating a special Quick Save where the MC is in motion. The general process is as follows:

  1. Position MC so that they can interact with either an NPC or a party member to start a conversation, but is far enough away that they will have to move a decent distance to get there.
  2. Position a second party member so that they can interact with an NPC or party member to start another conversation, but again is far enough away that they will have to move to get there. This could be the same NPC/party member, or a different one.
  3. As MC, use Default Action or click to begin moving towards their conversation target.
  4. Immediately QS and then interrupt MC’s movement with either a stim or a mine.
  5. QL and immediately pause the game. MC should be in a jogging animation towards their conversation target.
  6. Allow MC to move until they reach the right position for the specific trick, then trigger the second party member’s conversation with either Default Action or clicking.
  7. Timed and positioned correctly, MC’s convo will start, and then the second conversation will interrupt the first.

The QS where MC is already moving allows your second character to freely begin their own conversation; attempting to do this without a QS will not allow the second conversation to start, since the MC’s conversation is effectively a Conversation Queue.

Conversation Overlays are more flexible than Jedi Mine Tricks, as you can go deeper into conversations and cutscenes than just the length of time it takes to set a mine. However, they usually involve significantly more setup and are therefore much more finicky.

If you don’t have a stim or mine available in step 4, you can instead kill the program. This is not recommended as it’s significantly slower. The Sonic Emitter can also work for canceling the MC’s movement, if you happen to have it from Manaan.


A Conversation Overlay is only useful in No Major Glitches speedruns, since Unrestricted runs would just use the Anywhere Menu Glitch instead. The only current use of Conversation Overlay in a speedrun is a more consistent version of Krayt Dragon Skip for Any% NMG.

While the Bastila fight on Temple Summit can be skipped with a Conversation Overlay, it’s actually slower to do so than all but the most unlucky fights.